Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen, raumgestaltung.tuwien.ac.at
TU Wien, Architektur und Entwerfen, Karlsplatz 13/253.3, 1040 Wien

Module Spatial Design


All lectures and exercises take place in presence at the TU Vienna.

The module Spatial Design deals with the teaching contents material, light, color, form as well as perception of space and their application in a spatial context on the basis of a concrete place.

In the module Spatial Design we look for new spatial solutions and deal with their effects on the users and the environment. In the course of the interdisciplinary module exercise topic, a design is developed or architectural interventions are tested on existing spatial situations. The module Spatial Design deals with different topics of spatial design. The focus is on the examination of daylight and artificial light and their effects on architectural space. Transitions, threshold situations and the material in public space are related to each other.

The lecture and exercise series begins with the theme of space, perception and sensation in an urban context. Subsequently, interspaces and threshold areas, spatial atmosphere and perception, spatial boundaries and spatial openings, space and movement will be examined. The aim is to systematize spatial features and to compile a repertoire of design elements of space. Materials are introduced in terms of their form-giving factors and design possibilities as well as their material aesthetics. Material properties and qualities are elaborated and compared and their use is investigated. Daylighting and artificial lighting designs are presented and examined in terms of their focus on lighting, solar control and glare, light sources, color rendering, service life, energy efficiency. Key factors and basic lighting and planning parameters are presented based on applications in retail, presentation, museum, office, place and façade design. Spatial stagings of light, color, form, material and sound are analysed, broken down into their design parameters and considered separately and in isolation as individual factors. Spatial experience and spatial perception will be discussed on the basis of selected spatial and artistic examples and related to architectural application possibilities. Space and the staging of space will be presented using selected examples. Theoretical content will be practically experienced by means of examples of analyses and practice, they will be practiced and by means of small examples applied, presented and introduced.

Tours, lectures, excursions, company visits and guest lectures complement the course content.

In the course of the interdisciplinary module exercise topic, a design is developed or architectural interventions are tested in existing spatial situations. The aim is to implement the design or parts of it as a mock-up – as far as feasible on site or in the space laboratory – on a scale of 1:1.

Spatial Design at the Institute of Architecture and Design at the Vienna University of Technology deals with practical and current topics in selected courses. Spatial design understands architecture as a medium for the perception and production of reality. Spatial design connects all scales of the human environment and works at the interface of art, architecture and design.



Core Subjects (10.0EC)

253.351 VU Space & Form

The series of lectures and exercises begins with the topic of space, perception and sensation in an urban context. What are the causes of the effect? Starting with the outdoor space, possible comparisons to the interior are made. If we change the scale in our imagination, we can discover very similar phenomena. Subsequently, interspaces and threshold areas, spatial atmosphere and perception, spatial boundaries and openings, space and movement are examined. The aim is to systematise spatial features and to compile a repertoire of design elements of space.

253.353 VU Polytopes

Introduction to polytopes, perception and spatial experience, semiotics, visual, acoustic and haptic spaces, examples of staged spaces.
Transitions, horizon, spatial forms, spatial images, exterior and interior, transparency, dissolution of space, animation spaces. Basics of colour design, pigments and colorants, colour wheel, colour symbolism and colour theory, eye, subtractive and additive colour mixing. Colour in space, colour perspective, colour effect, synaesthesia. Light in space, light positions in space, effect of daylight and artificial light, phenomena of artificial light, atmospheric light. Space exhibitions, from “endless space” to “absolute space”, examples of applied space concepts by Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, Friedrich Kiesler and others.

253.354 VU Experiment Material

Analysis of the construction materials advertised on the construction market with regard to their structuring factors and design possibilities as well as their material aesthetics and economics. Exploring the visual, auditory and tactile material qualities of industrial products. Working out the material characteristics and qualities as well as the transformation and estrangement of materials. Comparison of natural and artificial materials, applications of materials in an artistic context.

253.355 VO Seeing Light

Daylight: Introduction to daylight planning, effects of skylights and side exposure, distinction between sun and glare protection
Light and color: Overview of the lightsources (focus on LED), color rendering, light colors, marking, lifetime, energy efficiency
Fundamentals in the application of artificial light, photometric basic quantities, planning parameters for artificial lighting
Key factors for lighting solutions in the areas of sales and presentation, museum, office, facades and outdoor areas.
Innovations in lighting technology: HCL (Human Centric Lighting) and connected lighting (IOT)

253.356 VO Spatial Strategies

In juxtaposition with spatial tactics, artistic and architectural spatial strategies will be examined as a conceptual practice that deals with concrete political contexts and changes them through spatial interventions. In the distinction between exhibit and display, space and architecture are analysed as an exhibiting medium and as an exhibited object. The concept of the collection forms the starting point for design spatial strategies that are transferred from the museum context to various everyday situations.


Optional Subjects (5.0EC)

253.360 UE Spatial Experiments

An experiment is a test that yields findings, positive or negative.
Spatial experiments are predefined experimental arrangements on a scale of 1:1. Smaller scale models are used to approach the optimal experimental arrangement. Those parameters are determined which seem to be important. The room experiment is carried out and the result is documented. If the result does not seem good enough, the parameters can be changed to get closer to the ideal.

253.361 UE Seeing Light

Analysis and description of a lighting solution implemented by arrangement or the development of a lighting solution within the framework of the module topic.

253.362 UE Spatial Strategies

The precise consideration of spatial concepts – in which the overlapping of artistic and architectural spatial strategies opens up new perspectives and creates changed spatial, political and social framework conditions – forms the basis for the exercises. In addition to the spatial disposition, the focus is on architectural elements and details and how they interact to influence the space and its effect.


Excursions (2.0EC)

253.365 Spatial Design Excursion

The content of this course is the analytical preparation and the visit to a specific selection of locations that display a special relationship between architecture and space. The students will practise how to deal with confrontation in special focal points in the architectural space during the excursion in order to be able to analyse, document and evaluate the architectural quality of these locations.



Wilfried Kuehn
Anton Kottbauer
Eldar Hajdarević
Franz Karner
Alireza Fadai
Gudrun Schach
Günter Pichler
Manfred Pichler
Andrea Rieger-Jandl
Michaela Fodor
Viola Kryza


Further Information

Kick-Off: Wed, October 2nd, 2024 at 09.00, in Seminarraum BA 02B, Getreidemarkt 9, 2. Stock

