Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen, raumgestaltung.tuwien.ac.at
TU Wien, Architektur und Entwerfen, Karlsplatz 13/253.3, 1040 Wien

Integrated Design Cultural_space




Globalised life is determined by the extensive network of motorways and the associated transport of vital goods. According to ASFINAG statistics from May 2024, 74,000 motor vehicles pass the Altlengbach measuring point on the A1 West motorway every day. 12 thousand of these are heavy goods vehicles with a total weight of over 3.5 tonnes.

The drivers of these lorries drive together, often in convoys, one behind the other. Alone and lonely, spending the day in their driver’s cab. Together, forced by the ban on weekend and public holiday driving in Austria, they spend the weekend parked at rest areas, where they again spend most of their time alone in their vehicles. A social group that is marginalised and exploited and has long since forfeited its reputation as “King of the Road”.

“In a world in which more and more people are affected by social and ecological inequality, wars and disasters, architecture must redefine its social relevance.” To what extent do art and culture make it possible to oppose a way of life characterised by pure functionality? “Anyone who listens to music experiences the lightness of being, anyone who reads a good novel sinks into it, anyone who looks at a beautiful painting embarks on an emotional journey. Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, following the sociologist Hartmut Rosa, calls such an echo “resonance”.”

The aim of the design studio is to develop a cultural rest area – a place of art and culture, as an antithesis to the one-dimensional rest areas. With a multi-dimensional offer, visitors are to be given exciting opportunities to interrupt their usual daily routine of parking and resting and the associated routine. According to Olafur Eliasson, the aim is to “create a space for coexistence between everyone,” a space for a community, a space that is simultaneously conducive to relaxation and provides an emotional, spiritual balance.


Teaching Methods:

Based on the analyses on the topics of motorway service areas, art and cultural mediation and the building site, concepts are developed within the framework of the topics “traffic construction”, “cultural construction” and “spatial sketching”. These are further developed through precise spatial refinements and almost exclusively on the basis of models in different scales, supporting the design. The design process will be accompanied by in-depth analyses of the topics in workshops and lectures

As integrativ design studio, the course is based on the examination of architecture as a spatial, social, cultural, constructive and physical-ecological phenomenon. The design should be based on monolithic construction, i.e. homogeneous solid construction made of wood, stone, concrete, brick or clay, whose architectural potential is explored and applied from a constructive, ecological and spatial perspective.



Franz Karner
Willhelm Luggin
Johanna Pils


Further Information


Kick-off: Thu, October 3rd, 2024, 10:00 – 13:00, in HS 15, Stiege 3, 3. Stock

Meetings every Monday and Thrusday 10:00 – 13:00.