Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen, raumgestaltung.tuwien.ac.at
TU Wien, Architektur und Entwerfen, Karlsplatz 13/253.3, 1040 Wien

GdE Raumgestaltung


The module teaches how to analyse the basics of spatial design, including typologies, spatial models, space allocation plans, constructions, location or topos, and environmental factors. The design fundamentals are developed in the exercise in phases from concept through draft to simple, detailed solutions. Design factors such as room shapes, daylight and artificial light, as well as the design-relevant use of materials will be treated theoretically and applied in practice in the design exercises. Representation and model building techniques will be presented in the lectures and used in the exercises.

More information about the programme can be found in the Handout-GdE (pdf) under Documents. This will be put online starting in mid-September.



A large part of the exercise is designed as group work (teams of 3).

Critiques will be made at weekly intervals; digital and on-site appointments are planned alternately. Attendance is mandatory.

The theoretical part (lecture Raumgestaltung) takes place on Wednesdays from 11.00 to 13.00. In advance TUWEL videos with the lecture content (Radio Raumlabor) are provided. These are to be viewed independently. A feedback through graphic reflection on the lecture content is requested from each student. This will be discussed live in small groups (via zoom) on Wednesdays throughout the semester. More information on the assignment can be found in the handout (pdf) under Documents.

In order to successfully complete VU Raumgestaltung, this theoretical part must also be successfully completed.


Weitere Informationen

Introductory lecture and start of exercises:

The practice units begin in the first week of October (1-4 October 2024) with a city walk. In addition, the introductory lecture and programme presentation will take place on Wednesday 2 October, 2024 from 11:00 to 13:00.

Introductory Lecture:
Place: Informatikhörsaal – ARCH-INF, Treitlstr. 3
livestream: https://live.video.tuwien.ac.at/room/deu116/player.html

City walk:
Meeting point Stephansplatz, in front of the main entrance to the Church St. Stephan

Exercise units:
Team A: Wednesday 14.00 – 19.00
Team B: Thursday 14.00 – 19.00
Team C: Monday 9.00 – 14.00
Team D: Tuesday 9.00 – 14.00
Team E: Monday 14.00 – 19.00

Further important dates:
Phase 1 submission: 28-31.10.24
Discussion of design concept: 25-28.11.24
Presentation of design proposal: 20-23 Jan. 25
analogue final submission of all exercises: Groups C, D, E on 22.1.25, Groups A, B on 24.1.25

If you are absent from the city walk without an excuse, your place will be forfeited.

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