Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen, raumgestaltung.tuwien.ac.at
TU Wien, Architektur und Entwerfen, Karlsplatz 13/253.3, 1040 Wien

Design Studio The City and the Water



This project offers the opportunity to employ performative practice alongside other methods for researching into and interrogating a place. For this course we have selected routes in Vienna as locations in which we will work on aspects of the space with the help of this artistic-scientific method. In doing this, our focus will be the relationship between the city and water. We will address not just urban bodies of water but also other aspects of the subject of water, such as waste water, drinking water and climatic issues. By focusing on this relationship between the city and water, we will investigate space in the context of social, cultural and collective factors. The subject The City and the Water is the heart of this project, which we will broaden with an excursion to Dresden. This will enable the students to become acquainted with two cities and their relationships with water and, hence, to use this comparison as a means of focussing their projects further. We will undertake a number of walks in both cities that will be performative while also offering the opportunity to research. We will ask the students to keep a sketchbook journal in which they can document and process our teaching excursions. In this project, students will be able to employ the broad range of opportunities presented by performative practice. They can realise a concrete action or performance on the ground, make a performative video or conceive their performance in the form of drawings or as a photographic work. A further key element of this course will be the presentation and documentation of the performative work. Discussions and reflective conversations during the semester will offer the students the opportunity to discover more about performance art and to understand the relationship between this genre, the subject The City and the Water, their own methods of investigating and shaping space and their architectural practice.



Research walks, input lectures, site visits, sketchbook journal, discussions and reflective conversations, research, performative practice (performance, performative video, drawing, photographic documentation of performance …), project development, intermediate and final presentation



Wilfried Kuehn
Marko Lulic


further information:

 Fri, October 11th, 2024, 09:00 – 11:00, in Raumlabor, Hof 1, TU Wien
Excursion to Dresden: 5.11. – 9.11.2024, details avaialable at: 253.L87

Meetings every friday 09:00 – 15:00.