Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen, raumgestaltung.tuwien.ac.at
TU Wien, Architektur und Entwerfen, Karlsplatz 13/253.3, 1040 Wien

Design Studio “On Exhibition”


The Design Studio “On Exhibition” in the winter semester 24/25 will take place as a cooperation between the University of Applied Arts Vienna (“Expanded Museum Studies”), the Vienna University of Technology, Architecture (“Spatial Design”) and basis wien.

basis wien is a Documentation Centre for Contemporary Art in and from Austria, in which material on art production, presentation and reception in analogue and digital form are collected and archived. In cooperation with artists, curators, critics, media, exhibition spaces, art galleries and off spaces, the holdings of the archive have been steadily expanded. The collection of the archive and library of basis wien consists of publications on contemporary visual art in book form and periodicals as well as literature, floor plans and ephemera of various origins: secondary materials that are produced in the course of cultural activities.(1) They provide a wide range of background information of activities that happen during and around exhibitions, a form of cultural productions that in itself reflects current artistic practice that underly the conception and production of contemporary exhibition.

Students from both departments will work together on the process of developing and designing an exhibition from basis wien archive material. The aim of the studio is to reflect on spatial practice, design processes and media on and around exhibitions as a base to conceptualize and design an exhibition. A core aspect of the course is the exhibition as a medium, which should enable levels of mediation, bringing together different temporality(ies), real-spatial location, exhibits, research, presentation and discourse.

The final presentation of the design Studio will be an arrangement of the proposed exhibitions in the space as an exhibition. An exhibition of exhibitions

(1) Source: basis-wien.at/information/ueber-uns



The relationship between art, architectural space, and exhibition-making will be theoretically investigated on various levels and become the starting point for curatorial and architectural exhibiting models. Specific narratives in artistic and architectural work are addressed in relation to current issues. The analysis of references as well as an intensive examination of the given context serve as a base for the design work. The projects for an exhibition will be developed throughout the semester with the help of drawings, models, and experimenting with different forms of displays on different scales.



Wilfried Kuehn
Basma Abu-Naim
Aaron Amar Bhamra


further information:

 Thu, October 3rd, 2024, 10:00, in FLUX 1 (University of Applied Arts, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7 / 3rd floor

Meetings every thursday 09:30 – 15:30.
, in FLUX 1