Raumgestaltung und Entwerfen, raumgestaltung.tuwien.ac.at
TU Wien, Architektur und Entwerfen, Karlsplatz 13/253.3, 1040 Wien

Transformation einer Lagerung

Max Rubach



The fundamental role of architecture is to provide structural solutions for specific topics, issues, or needs, creating a relationship between place, time and function. With constant technological developments and increasing needs in society, combined with diminishing building spaces, the question of how to handle existing industrial buildings is being raised. Although these structures may be obsolete or physically replaced due to their use-oriented typology and form, their vacancy offers new potentials and resources for future use. This thesis addresses this issue by presenting an architectural concept as a contribution to the repurposing of two vacant and historically protected grain silos in the city harbour of the hanseatic city of Rostock. By examining their historical significance in contrast to the urban transformation of the harbor area – from a former industrial site to a contemporary public space – the values of the industrial heritage are demonstrated. Referencing similar construction projects and in contrast to current planning, a revitalising design based on a preservation concept is proposed. The work critically engages with the planned construction of the Archaeological State Museum, which will be built close to the silos. In times of sustainable rethinking and to avoid further land sealing, this thesis aims to integrate the new Archaeological State Museum into the existing buildings to ensure their preservation.


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