A rest stop for those seeking
Laurenz Hoche
The world is spinning faster and faster. Distances are getting longer and longer – the time available is getting shorter and shorter. Breaking out of this society is becoming more and more of a challenge for many. Turning inwards, escaping into nature and moving through the world as our bodies alone allow is increasingly becoming a luxury that only a few can afford. The almost forgotten custom of pilgrimage along the Way of St James is experiencing a new sense of purpose in this world. It forms a spiritual bridge between ancient customs and contemporary demands. Pilgrimage always means escape and immersion at the same time, an act of self-discovery and reflection. Gently nestled in a reed landscape, a hostel welcomes pilgrims on their way. It is a place of arrival, gathering and farewell. Here, seekers can find peace and prepare for their onward journey. It sees many faces – serious, thoughtful, sad, happy. It is a place of communication, spirituality and contemplation. Calm, reserved but determined, it supports its guests on their individual journey.
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